
by DedeHai

Shotgunmap by GothicFire
(modified by DedeHai)            
ICQ# 31162912


(including the very bottom, it has instructions about the pre-game.)*****

Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist: 

There are 6 maps in here.

Basically, you just kill the opposing team using whatever the map supplies you with.

The Maps are: 

grenades tennis.
	throw grenades to kill them. he_grenades only. (Knife is useless)

shotgun map.
	shotgun only. (shoot the lights to make it more interesting)

Machine Gun Map.
	Machine gun only. kill each other using machine guns.

knife map.
	knife kills only. NO OTHER WEAPONS

Sniper map.
	Magnum Sniper weapon only.

Handgun map.
	Choose your handgun and play.

Before you choose a map, you are in a glass wall. 
In order to get out, either one of the people in the game must go through the 1-person out
thing (press "USE" key on the button) and then choose one of the six maps by pressing 
the "USE" key on the control. After that, the 2 side mirror wall will open up for people to go out.
BEWARNED!!! You have 20 seconds to get out of the glass room before you die (get electro-shocked).
So I suggest you choose a map and open the door to the map ASAP once you get out of the glass room. 
Also, there is no weapon used in the glass room. So the only thing that can kill you 
is the electric-shock.